Based on

Cafe Simulator is a surreal ghost barista conversation game thing, it's really weird and experimental, and, well, I don't know if I'd consider it a success, and it's got many huge flaws, but hey I've spent about 2 lazy weeks on it, and it's the groundwork for something cooler.

I made all the content, like 3D models, animations, a semi broken conversation generator, all the things. 

Did I mention  it's kinda a highly experimental thing for me? There's a buncha clipping errors, typos I couldn't be bothered to fix, etc, but hey, I gotta get back on to other projects ,  It's been mainly a learning project tbh but it comes up with funny things.

Anyway if you like Twin Peaks, maybe you'll be in to it.

Made for the game by it's cover jam, but released like, a month late due to life & work things.

Builds coming in a day or two.


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